Application Tools

Hopper Spray Gun to Apply Stencil Coatings and Texture Coats
(Application Tools :: Air Spray Guns)

Hopper-Spray-Gun-to-Apply-Stencil-Coatings-and-Texture-Coats Need a Hopper spray gun for applying stencil coatings or texture coatings with an air compressor? This is the Hopper Spray gun for the job


Manufacturer: Spraychief

Who is Spraychief?
ApSMTecni was established in 1978 and is the holding company for:
The company is Australian owned and based in Melbourne. ...more about Spraychief

Concrete stenciling step by step DIY 'how to' guide

Concrete Stencilling
Why Apply a Stencil Coating?
Applying a stencil coating to you plain concrete driveway or path can transform the presentation of your house! ... read 'how to'

Spray finish acrylic render on blueboard with hopper gun step by step DIY 'how to' guide

Before you start: The important thing for a high quality polymer/acrylic render job over your Blueboard or Harditex base sheet is to fit the board according to manufacturers specifications and to get your joints flat to provide a nice smooth surface for your finished coats! The crucial aspect is side lighting on your exterior walls. ... read 'how to'
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